Reveal your drug’s anti-inflammatory and beta cell protection potential Using Endoc-BH5® cells, the Cytokine-Mediated Human Beta Cell Inflammation Assay replicates in vitro the clinically observed response of human pancreatic beta cells to cytokine-induced inflammation process observed in Type 2 and Type 1 Diabetes. Key advantages: Discover how this assay will enable you to evaluate the anti-inflammatory and beta cell protection
Congratulations to Novo Nordisk for their new article using EndoC-βH5®, a model similar to human native beta cells with unlimited quantity, in their innovative large-scale functional genomics screen in DM research Using the EndoC-βH5® model, a team of researchers at Novo Nordisk Research Centre in Oxford validated novel genes regulating human β-cell insulin secretion. Established a 384-well functional screen